Sunday, July 26, 2009


"If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got." --Anon.


I'm taking stock. There are a number of different areas in my life I am unhappy with, things that just aren't going my way. I have some changes to make. This is me documenting my progress... in order to stick with it. Things I want to change include:

-Health, lose some weight in a safe way and improve diet;

-Schooling, finish it up;

-Writing, do more of it, stop letting it go;

-Work, it isn't my life;

-Interpersonal relationships, stop being such a bitch, stop expecting people to understand me when I don't even understand me, stop flaking out on people when it comes to commitments;

-Appearance, make more of an effort;

-Housework, a little all the time is easier than a big effort every once in a while;

-Languages, make the effort to improve my written French and learn more conversational Spanish; and

-Computer, stay off it so much.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Had a visit from an old friend at work today. Well, an old co-worker who turned into a friend. Looks like we will be working together again in some capacity. I'm mostly excited but a little bit worried. He went to Law School and became a Public Defender since I last worked with him. Damn. If that doesn't make you feel like a slacker nothing will.

Now playing: Rheostatics - Claire
via FoxyTunes